Yoga Practice for Stillness in Heart and Mind - Mark Robberds Intervie – Ekaminhale
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Yoga Practice for Stillness in Heart and Mind - Mark Robberds Interview Pt 2



The main thing is that I would like people to realize the happiness that is within them, and that they can experience that through these practices. For people not to get too caught up in just wanting more and more, and pushing and pushing. But rather to be able to sit still and to experience their bodies, and experience that stillness in the heart and mind that these practices are designed for. - Mark Robberds

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The biggest mistake I have made leaving Mysore is trying to keep my Mysore practice when I go back to Sydney or wherever. Because like you say, you're not working here, and also the energy of the shala really lives here. Sharath was there, Guruji was there. All those practice really just change the quality of the practice. Then you go back to practicing by yourself, or whatever, in a cold climate. Your body feels stiffer, can't go as deep as you did before. So when that comes up and you start fighting that, you end up having this battle going on. So the easiest way is to let it go. Then just go back to accepting practice as how it is.


I definitely enjoy that process of going to a new place and there's always this nervousness because of all this anticipation and perhaps a little bit hype around what's gonna happen. Then it's just about connecting to people in a real and honest way. So all that hype just drops away and then it just becomes something very personal. So then, going on a journey with the group or the students altogether, over the weekend or over the week, or however long it is done. You know it's also something that I have had to work at, that's why I'm doing more workshops to get better at what I do.

The main thing is that I would like people to realize the happiness that is within them, and that they can experience that through these practices. For people not to get too caught up in just wanting more and more, and pushing and pushing. But rather to be able to sit still and to experience their bodies, and experience that stillness in the heart and mind that these practices are designed for.



For me, the mantra that I keep going as to the purpose of my practice is that I would like to awaken to my full potential in this lifetime by removing the patterns and conditioning that could keep me contracted to negative qualities: whatever jealousy, greed, lust, desire, all that kind of stuff that prevents me from awakening to my full potential - Mark Robberds


For me, the mantra that I keep going as to the purpose of my practice is that I would like to awake to my full potential in this lifetime by removing the patterns and conditioning that kind of keep contracted to negative qualities: whatever jealousy, greed, lust, desire, all that kind of stuff that prevents me from awakening to my full potential. That's there everyday when I chant the mantra in doing my savasana yoga nidra in the end. So I keep coming back to that, so I don't get too lost in trying to achieve anything in terms of Asana or anything in terms of my teaching. I just keep coming back to the point of all this is to awaken to and to get rid of all the stuff I don't need.


See part 1 here.

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